Coronavirus has hugely damaged the world and, unsurprisingly, football has not escaped the effects of the outbreak. According to Worldometers, there are more than 1 million confirmed cases of the virus.
Domestic leagues around the world are currently suspended. But it doesn't affect Belarusian football.
Belarusian Premier League and Belarusian Cup are currently underway and the whole football world pays huge attention to the league.
VBET News have spoken to Energetik BGU striker Hayk Mosakhanian about the current coronavirus situation in Belarus and the benefits of it.
Mosakhanian started his career at the French club, SR Colmar, at the age of 7.
"I learned how to manage the ball there. French football is very technical and quick. We taught to immediately assess our chances and make decisions. We were always given the ball and paper to take home with us. We had to toss with the ball and write how much we did it with both foot, head and then show to coach."
The 22-year-old joined Belarusian club Energetik BGU in 2017 and he says, the league is very interesting, however, the players should pay attention to physical features. In order to adapt the league, Mosakhanian gained weight.
Energetik BGU currently lead the Belarus Premier League table with three victories out of three games. But Mosakhanian thinks, it's still too soon to think about the title.
"The season has just begun, we started very well, but we still have to move forward. Currently, we don’t think about the championship. We are moving forward from game to game, we are adjusting to each match and our goal is earning 3 points in each game. The main thing is to believe in ourselves and not be shy, we are young, we work hard and we are confident," said the forward.
Despite the fact, that football around the world are currently suspended, the clubs are following their daily routines. Nothing has changed there to match.
Mosakhanian said:
"We understand what is happening in the world. There are measures we follow, we train but we try to stay home. The federation decided to continue the championship, so we will continue to play."

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However, despite the danger of the coronavirus outbreak, there also benefits for the Belarusian league, as they are now under spotlight of the fans from around the world.
"Of course, this is also a plus for us. The whole world is watching our football, even my friends from France are watching. We have fans from Italy, England as they are following us on social media. This is an opportunity for us to prove ourselves. However, we need to concentre on our game and don't pay attention to pressure," explained the striker.
It will not be surprising if some players from the Belarusian Premier League will sign contracts with grand clubs from around Europe.
Mosakhanian's deal will expire at the end of the season, however, he still wants to stay at the club.
But as all the players, the forward has his dream team to play: "
I dream of playing in Lyon. Since childhood, I am a fan of this club. I like the club's philosophy. They give a chance to young players."
Mosakhanian's Energetik BGU will next be on action on Saturday, in the game against Torpedo on April 11. Torpedo are currently sixth in the league with six points.
Interview- Alla Zakaryan