
Belgium Striker Romelu Lukaku reveals details of incredible rags-to-riches life story

Manchester United star Romelu Lukaku has revealed what he splurged his cash on after signing his first professional contract in an incredible first-hand account of his rags-to-riches story, according to The Sun. "We were broke. Not just poor, but broke," Lukaku said. "I signed my pro contract with Anderlecht on my birthday, May 13. "Went straight out and bought the new Fifa and a cable package. "It was already the end of the season, so I was at home chilling." "My father had been a pro footballer, but he was at the end of his career and the money was all gone. "The first thing to go was the cable TV. No more football. No more Match of the Day. No signal. "Then I’d come home at night and the lights would be shut off. No electricity for two, three weeks at a time. "Then I’d want to take a bath, and there would be no hot water. My mum would heat up a kettle on the stove, and I’d stand in the shower splashing the warm water on top of my head with a cup. "There were even times when my mum had to “borrow” bread from the bakery down the street. The bakers knew me and my little brother, so they’d let her take a loaf of bread on Monday and pay them back on Friday. "I knew we were struggling. But when she was mixing in water with the milk, I realised it was over, you know what I mean? This was our life." The Belgium striker is currently in Russia preparing for his side's opening clash against Panama before the big one against England next Thursday.

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England, Premier League