EA Sport have released FIFA 20 in September. The game’s fans realized that the defending was different compared to previous years.
The game switch to manual defending and the players will have to take control of their own back line.
RealSport have all the tips you need to get your defending skills.
Get your tactics right
First, you need to get your tactics right. Using two defensive midfielders useful for protecting your backline. You can also make your midfielders more effective in doing so by instructing them to ‘cut passing lanes’. Quick passing moves in the game are more difficult. They are recommending you keep your wing-backs when you’re attacking as changes to pace has made counter-attacking really overpowered in FIFA 20.
Al will not save you
In FIFA 19, you could hold down X/A to contain the play, or R1/RB to have one of your other players. But in FIFA 20, you have to be patient. You hardly want to use the second man press at all so you will need to learn how to jockey (L2/LT) effectively instead.
If you hold down R2/RT with L2/LT, your player will begin to fast jockey.
Player Switching
If you’re looking to close down a player quickly, you should use L1/LB to switch players. To help you with this, there is a new setting in the player controls called ‘ball relative right stick switching’ which will focus your auto-switching to players closer to the ball.
Making the most of hard tackles
You can determine the power of your tackle by holding down the standing tackle button (O/B) or slide tackle button (Square/X).