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03-04-2019 | 22:02 Football

Mohamed Salah rated more than Leo Messi and Paulo Dybala

According to the data provided by CIES Football Observatory on the market value of players of each team in top - 5 European leagues, Mohamed Salah is Liverpool’s most expensive footballer. The observation has taken into account the age of the player, his past and current results and team results either. Mohamed Salah is worth 185 m, which more than Paulo Dybala (Juventus and Serie A most expensive player, €142 m) and Lionel Messi (Barcelona and La Liga most expensive player, €171 m). https://twitter.com/CIES_Football/status/1113047784620425216 https://twitter.com/CIES_Football/status/1113056561679732737 https://twitter.com/CIES_Football/status/1113064466206228480 In EPL, Tottenham’s Harry Kane is the most expensive with 198 m. Salah has scored 17 goals this season and is yet in the race for Premier League top scorer.

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