Written by

Alla Zakarian

13-12-2019 | 19:22 Tennis

“I was never afraid Rafael Nadal could end his career,” says Toni

Rafael Nadal struggled with injuries during the last years. But when he is fit he shows that he is extremely competitive. Nadal’s uncle and coach Toni has revealed, he tried to make Rafa understand that injuries are part of the sport.  “I said: You have a great forehand, you are mentally above. But sometimes your body falls down. You have to accept it. His knees suffer, he also suffered a wrist injury in 2016”, Toni explained to NCR. “And yet I was never afraid that he could end his career. There was a solution for every problem. He could not fall down because of his knees? Ok, he took the ball a little bit higher, it was not that different. Top players like Federer, Djokovic and Rafael always look for a second option. He was not confident? Rafa never gave up.” Toni also revealed, Nadal never took banned substances.  “There are many idiots in this world. Sometimes they are not respectful. Doping is totally contrary to our phylosophy of life. We would never put in danger Rafael's health,” he said. “Winning is important, but everyone knows that Rafael is a correct person who would never cheat against his opponent.” Source- TennisWorldUSA

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